40 MM Berstorff Pelletizing Line, 30:1 L/D, 50 HP
SKU - 48335

Used 40 mm Berstorff twin screw strand pelletizing line consisting of one (1) Techweigh volumetric feeder with motor drive, one (1) 40 mm Berstroff twin screw extruder, model ZE40A HT, electrically heated, water cooled barrel, 30:1 L/D, top vented, 50 hp dc drive with control panel with scr controller, one (1) 5 hp Sihi liquid ring vacuum pump, one (1) 16" wide x 12" deep x 120" long stainless steel strand water bath on stand with heat exchanger and circulation pump, one (1) two position dual lip air wipe with 7.5 hp blower on stand, one (1) strand pelletizer with pull rolls on stand with vfd controllers for pull roll and main motors, one (1) 12" x 24" BEST classifer, stainless steel deck on stand, one (1) Budzar temperature control unit, Berstorff serial# 90.2.EO.6869/90.